Command-line Tools

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Usage: CUETools.exe [/<profile>] <filename>

CUETools.exe <filename>     opens the usual dialog with input box set to <filename>.

<filename>   Any supported input file such as a CUE file, audio file with Embedded CUE,
             M3U file, ZIP or RAR archive (containing a CUE file + audio file(s)), or
             the first of a group of audio track files. Folders are not supported when
             a profile is specified.

profile options:

             A settings file for a profile must exist. A settings file is created 
             when a profile is opened in the GUI for the first time then exited.
             A profile settings file is edited by selecting the profile in the GUI,
             making the necessary changes, then exiting the profile or GUI.

/verify      starts automatic AccurateRip verification 
             'verify' profile default settings include; Action: 'Verify' with Script: 'only if found'
/convert     starts a conversion (encodes a single-file or file-per-track album image) 
             'convert' profile default settings include; Action: 'Encode' with Script: 'default'
/fix         starts AccurateRip verification and conversion (with possible offset correction).
             'fix' profile default settings include; Action: 'Encode' with Script: 'fix offset'
/<custom>    starts action set in user created profile with custom settings.

             CUETools will not close when complete so you can't run in a loop. This 
             command-line was intended for use in a Windows 'Send to' shortcut. 

CUETools Settings#Profile

Known issues

No CTDB verification when a profile is specified (fixed in CUETools 2.2.2).


Usage    : CUETools.ALACEnc.exe [options] <input.wav> (or "-" for stdin)


 -0 .. -10            Compression level, default 5.
 -o <file>            Output filename, or "-" for stdout, or nul.
 -q --quiet           Quiet mode.
 --verify             Verify during encoding.

Advanced Options:

 -b #                 Block size (samples).
 -p #                 Padding (bytes).
 -s <method>          Stereo decorrelation (independent,estimate,evaluate,search).
 --history-modifier # Rice history modifier {max} or {min},{max}, default 4,4.

LPC options:

 -m <method>          Prediction order search (estimate,estsearch,logfast,search).
 -e #                 Estimation depth (1..30).
 -w <func>[,<func>]   One or more window functions (welch,hann,flattop,tukey).
    --window-method   Window selection method (estimate,evaluate,search).
 -l #[,#]             Prediction order {max} or {min},{max} (1..30).

If you plan to use CUETools.ALACEnc.exe as a command line program outside of the CUETools suite, you will need:


plus this from the \plugins folder


Copy all the files to the same location (no \plugins folder required).

CUETools.ARCUE.exe (former ArCueDotNet.exe)

Usage: CUETools.ARCUE.exe [options] <filename>


 -O, --offset <samples>   Use specific offset;
 -v, --verbose            Verbose mode

Remark: The option to use a specific offset is available since CUETools 2.2.2


CUETools.Converter, Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Grigory Chudov.
This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to
the extent permitted by law. <> for details.
Usage     : CUETools.Converter.exe [options] <infile> <outfile>


 --decoder <name>        Use non-default decoder.
 --decoder-option <name> <value>
 --encoder <name>        Use non-default encoder.
 --encoder-format <ext>  Use encoder format different from file extension.
 --lossy                 Use lossy encoder/mode.
 --lossless              Use lossless encoder/mode (default).
 --ignore-chunk-sizes    Ignore WAV length (for pipe input)
 -p #                    Padding bytes.
 -m <mode>               Encoder mode (0..8 for flac, V0..V9 for mp3, etc)


CUETools.eac3to, Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Grigory Chudov.
This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to
the extent permitted by law. <> for details.

Usage     : CUETools.eac3to.exe [options] <sourcefile> [trackno:] [destfile]


 --ctdb                 Query CTDB for metadata.
 --encoder <name>       Use non-default encoder.
 --encoder-format <ext> Use encoder format different from file extension.
 --lossy                Use lossy encoder/mode.
 --lossless             Use lossless encoder/mode (default).
 -p #                   Padding bytes.
 -m <mode>              Encoder mode (0..8 for flac, V0..V9 for mp3, etc)

CUETools.FLACCL.cmd.exe (former CUETools.FlaCuda.exe)

CUETools FLACCL 2.2.4, Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Grigory Chudov.
This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to
the extent permitted by law. <> for details.
Usage    : CUETools.FLACCL.exe [options] <input.wav> (or "-" for stdin)


 -0 .. -11             Compression level, default 8; 9..11 require --lax
 -o <file>             Output filename, or "-" for stdout, or nul
 -p #                  Padding bytes
 -q --quiet            Quiet mode
 --lax                 Allow non-subset modes
 --verify              Verify during encoding
 --no-md5              Don't compute MD5 hash
 --no-seektable        Don't generate a seektable
 --ignore-chunk-sizes  Ignore WAV length (for pipe input)
 --cpu-threads         Use additional CPU threads

OpenCL Options:

 --opencl-type <X>     CPU or GPU, default GPU
 --opencl-platform <X> "Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics"
 --group-size #        Set GPU workgroup size (64,128,256)
 --task-size #         Set number of frames per multiprocessor, default 8
 --slow-gpu            Some encoding stages are done on CPU
 --fast-gpu            Experimental mode, not recommended
 --define <X> <Y>      OpenCL preprocessor definition

Advanced Options:

 -b #                  Block size
 -s <method>           Stereo decorrelation (independent,search)
 -r #[,#]              Rice partition order {max} or {min},{max} (0..8)

LPC options:

 -w <func>[,<func>]    Window functions (bartlett,welch,hann,flattop,tukey)
 -l #[,#]              Prediction order {max} or {min},{max} (1..32)
    --max-precision    Coefficients precision search (0..1)


Usage    : CUETools.Flake.exe [options] <input.wav> (or "-" for stdin)


 -0 .. -11            Compression level, default 5; 9..11 require --lax
 -o <file>            Output filename, or "-" for stdout, or nul.
 -P, --padding #      Padding bytes.
 -q, --quiet          Quiet mode.
 -f, --force          Overwrite existing files.
 -V, --verify         Verify a correct encoding.
 -T, --tag FIELD=VAL  Add a FLAC tag; may appear multiple times
 --lax                Allow encoder to generate non-Subset files
 --no-md5             Don't compute MD5 hash.
 --no-seektable       Don't generate a seektable.
 --ignore-chunk-sizes Ignore data chunk sizes in WAVE files (for pipe input)

Advanced Options:

 -b #                 Block size.
 -t <type>            Prediction type (fixed,levinson,search).
 -s <method>          Stereo decorrelation (independent,estimate,evaluate,search).
 -r #[,#]             Rice partition order {max} or {min},{max} (0..8).
 --vbr #              Variable block size mode (0,4).

LPC options:

 -m <method>          Prediction order search (akaike).
 -e #                 Prediction order search depth (1..32).
 -w <func>[,<func>]   One or more window functions (tukey,partialtukey,
 -l #[,#]             Prediction order {max} or {min},{max} (1..32).
 --window-method <wm> Window selection method (estimate,estimateN,
 --max-precision #,#  Coefficients precision search (0..1).

Fixed prediction options:

 -f #[,#]             Prediction order {max} or {min},{max} (0..4).

If you plan to use CUETools.Flake.exe as a command line program outside of the CUETools suite, you will need:


plus this from the \plugins folder


Copy all the files to the same location (no \plugins folder required).


LossyWAV 1.1.1#, Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Nick Currie, Copyleft.
C# port Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Grigory Chudov.
This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to
the extent permitted by law. <> for details.
Usage    : CUETools.LossyWAV.exe <file.wav> <options>

Quality Options:

-I, --insane        highest quality output, suitable for transcoding;
-E, --extreme       high quality output, also suitable for transcoding;
-S, --standard      default quality output, considered to be transparent;
-P, --portable      good quality output for DAP use. Not considered to be fully
                    transparent, but considered fit for its intended purpose.

Standard Options:

-C, --correction    write correction file for processed WAV file; default=off.
-h, --help          display help.

Advanced Options:

-                    if filename="-" then WAV input is taken from STDIN.
-q, --quality <n>    quality preset (10=highest quality, 0=lowest bitrate;
                     default = --standard = 5; --insane = 10; --extreme = 7.5;
                     --portable = 2.5)
-N  --stdinname <t>  pseudo filename to use when input from STDIN.
    --stdout         write processed WAV output to STDOUT.

If you plan to use CUETools.LossyWAV.exe as a command line program outside of the CUETools suite, you will need:


Copy all the files to the same location.

CUETools.Ripper.Console.exe (former CUETools.ConsoleRipper.exe)

CUERipper v2.2.4 Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Grigory Chudov
This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to
the extent permitted by law. <> for details.
Usage    : CUERipper.exe <options>

-S, --secure             secure mode, read each block twice (default);
-B, --burst              burst (1 pass) mode;
-P, --paranoid           maximum level of error correction;
-D, --drive <letter>     use a specific CD drive, e.g. D: M: ;
-O, --offset <samples>   use specific drive read offset;
-C, --c2mode <int>       use specific C2ErrorMode, 0 (None), 1 (Mode294), 2 (Mode296), 3 (Auto);
-T, --test               detect read command;
--d8                     force D8h read command;
--be                     force BEh read command;